PDF Eraser Pro 1.0.3

PDF Eraser is a Windows application that deletes and erases text, images, logos and all unnecessary objects from PDF files. Users can use the program to remove some original content from a PDF file, and then add their text and images. Besides that, PDF Eraser has a built-in PDF Page Cutter, which allows users to delete unnecessary PDF pages. Considering lots of scanned PDF documents, PDF Eraser also added the PDF Rotating function rotates PDF pages properly with 2 clicks.
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2 votes Vote

See PDF Page Extractor added to software.

Add PDF Page Extractor !! That would make software complete.
jacky, 11.06.2014, 20:13
0 votes Vote

I suggest an improvement to the Eraser function

In certain PDF documents one may need to completely remove unwanted objects, of different sizes & shapes, from a number of pages. These typically are: figures/drawing/images and advertisements (again, in the form of pictures or text blocks). This...
W. Kostecki, 11.06.2014, 20:34